Chinese proverb

"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstances. The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break."
(ancient Chinese proverb)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

an answer!?!

Audra's GI doctor called me today to discuss the results of the upper GI study she had done a few days ago.  The results indicate that she has a type of intestinal malrotation called "non-rotation".  I am familiar with  malrotation, but a non-rotation??  Never heard of it!  She told me that Audra's case is going to be reviewed at a conference to be held this coming Tuesday with multiple GI doctors and radiologists.  She said they would review Audra's history and symptoms as well as all of her radiology exams (xrays, CT scan, MRI, ultrasounds and the upper GI she just had done).  They will also have a discussion with the surgeons to see what the next step should be.  Usually this needs to be surgically corrected to prevent the intestinal complications that are likely to occur if left untreated.  I am anxiously awaiting a call with THE PLAN on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week!

After I got off the phone with the doctor I promptly consulted "Dr. Google".  It sounds like all of Audra's issues with diarrhea, malabsorption, and failure to thrive can be explained by this non-rotation.  I would have never guessed! 

It might sound crazy, but...we are just sooo happy to have an answer.  We feel like progress is being made!  Audra is one happy and strong little girl.  And soon we will have a plan to get her healthy and growing...she so deserves that!

Here are a few pics of my girls enjoying her "chocolate barium shake".  She slurped it down with a smile on her face!  Only Audra :)

1 comment:

  1. I have walked a mile - or more - in your shoes. I hope your treatment plan is even more successful than our daughter's has been. It is hard to watch a child suffer through all those tests and continue to dumbfound specialists. Thank God for working through the medical profession and providing answers. I hope you have yours and a successful treatment plan soon.
    Audra's sweet little smile while drinking her "shake" is awfully endearing. :-)
