Chinese proverb

"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstances. The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break."
(ancient Chinese proverb)

Monday, October 13, 2014

another layer

I am still in the middle of getting all of my posts from our Disney trip done (so be sure to check back for them because the end of our week was the most fun!)...but I wanted to get this update posted today.

With Audra, it seems like every time she is referred to another doctor, that doctor finds something new that needs to be addressed.

Like peeling an onion,
Thin little layers, one at a time,
Which results in tear-filled eyes for me...

About a two weeks ago Audra saw a neurologist for the first time.  She had been referred by her speech therapist and physical therapist who had concerns about Audra "zoning out" and being unresponsive to visual and auditory stimuli for short periods.  Also of concern is her significant developmental delays and lack of progress towards her goals in therapy.

I have not noticed these zoning out episodes at home, but I did mention to the neurologist about Audra's unique ability to fall asleep abruptly...anywhere...anytime.  Little cat naps that only last about 15 minutes.

We left the neurologists office after that visit with a referral for an EEG.

Friday night (while I was sitting in stopped traffic on the expressway on my way home from work) the neurologist called me...Audra's EEG is abnormal.  She didn't have any seizures during the 30 minute EEG but she did have abnormal brain waves on the left side of her brain that make him concerned she is likely to have seizures.

Boy did that make for a long rest of my ride home!  I know that it is important (and absolutely in Audra's best interest) to find and fix everything we possibly can for her medically, but sometimes I just want to stop looking.  Mostly because I know we will find something...which will lead to another doctor, another test, another procedure and another diagnosis.

Interestingly...the location of these abnormal EEG waves are possibly contributing to her severely delayed language skills.  I, along with Audra's hearing therapist and speech therapist, have been concerned about why her speech hasn't noticeably improved since she got her hearing aids 9 months ago.

The next step is tomorrow...

Audra will be having an MRI of her brain to see if there is anything structurally wrong on the left side that could be causing the abnormal EEG.

And there is a bit of a silver lining...
Audra needs to have anesthesia for all tests/procedures that usually require sedation.  So, lucky for her, tomorrow while she is under anesthesia they will draw all the bloodwork she has been needing to get done for her endocrinology and immunology doctors :)

Tomorrow, about 8:30am...
prayers are so.very.appreciated!

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