Chinese proverb

"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstances. The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break."
(ancient Chinese proverb)

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Perfectly Imperfect: Autism Awareness Day

Today is Autism Awareness Day.

And while I love to celebrate and promote Autism awareness...
I love to celebrate and honor my amazing boy, Riley (autism and all) even more!

In the beginning, Autism consumed us.  Riley's early years were filled with doctor appointments, therapy sessions and early intervention.  We had therapists at our house multiple times a week (OT, PT, Speech).  We were at various doctors appointments multiple times a month.  And I drove ridiculous distances and spent equally ridiculous amounts of money to get him any type of therapy that might help:

Social skills groups
Aquatic therapy
Handwriting lessons

All in an attempt to "fix" him....under the guise of what we thought was helping him achieve developmental milestones and increase his life's potential.  And while I am sure we did accomplish a bit of that for him, it was completely time consuming and utterly exhausting...for Riley AND us.

But today, all these years later, I am in a very different place.  It took many years, and is something I could not have even imagined years ago when we were "in the trenches"....


Riley never needed to be "fixed".  He is not, and never was...broken.  He is perfectly wonderful just the way he is.

Riley has been surrounded by love, patience and kindness from so many people.

...I could go on and on!

People who love him for HIM.  And that is all he ever really needed.

So many of these people joined us year after year as we participated in Walk Now for Autism Speaks.

Not only to raise awareness about Autism,
Not only to raised funds for the vital research they improves the quality of life for those with Autism,
To also celebrate our amazing boy and so many other children like him!









Happy Autism Awareness Day Riley.
We love you just the way you are!
You bring a smile to our faces and you melt our hearts!

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