Chinese proverb

"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstances. The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break."
(ancient Chinese proverb)

Monday, December 11, 2017

2nd weekend of Christmas fun

We packed so much into this past was non-stop from morning til night both days!
Saturday was Maura's Nutcracker performance.

 After the show we hurried home to change and meet up with Aunt Kristy for our next holiday adventure.  This one required us to bundle up because it was an outdoor event and snow was in the forecast.  The first snowflakes started to fall as we arrived.
We went to the local Ace Hardware for a reindeer event!
Reindeer was a must-see on Tatum's bucket list of Christmas adventures this year.
I found the adorable reindeer hats in the dollar spot at Target.  Perfect!

We missed Santa, but these little reindeer looked so cute in his sleigh!

They had a craft table set up to make special reindeer food to sprinkle on the lawn on Christmas Eve.
On the way out there was hot cocoa and cookies to warm us up.
It was a quick but unique adventure.
By the time we got home there was enough snow for Maura to suit up and go enjoy making some snow angels.

 Maura got a special letter in the mail.  At last week's YMCA Christmas party there was a station for writing letters to Santa.  And he replied!
Sunday we went to the Christmas tree display at our small town museum.  Each tree is decorated by a local business, shop, group, etc.
Here are my girls with the "Nurse Tree" sponsored by the hospital:

All the girls with the hot chocolate tree:

and my nieces with the Star Wars tree:
At the end of the tree display path was Santa and Mrs. Claus!

Sunday night was the main event we have been waiting for...
The Holiday Festival that Maura's dance group was performing at.
We made sure to get there right when it started so we wouldn't miss anything, even though she wasn't performing for over 2 hours.
It was c.o.l.d. but we were prepared !!
There were lots of characters near the glow wand give away table
The live nativity was so much fun to watch.
{at the end of the night Maura wanted to go back for another look, but by that time Mary and Joseph were no where to be found and the Shepherds were sitting on hay bales eating hot dogs...just didn't have the same ambiance - haha!}
We got in a good spot early for the dramatic arrival of the Man in Red

Maura spotted his light in the sky...
Santa arrived by helicopter !

with a police escort...

Fire pits really help to warm you up...
We went on the horse drawn carriage ride...
Our little reindeer with the big guy himself, Rudolf

And finally we went inside the firehouse for the a while before Maura was up to her little feet could warm up a bit before she had to dance outside on the stage.


There was coloring and cookies...

Then the coat came off and the accessories went on for show time...

Monday's holiday event:
Maura's winter concert
She participates in both orchestra {plays the viola} and chorus. 
I had to draw the line at joining band too!
Phew...what a long, busy, festive weekend !!

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