Chinese proverb

"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstances. The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break."
(ancient Chinese proverb)

Sunday, November 3, 2013

trick-or-treat...and more:

Halloween was different this many ways!

Riley decided, after twelve years of trick-or-treating, that he had had enough.  He wanted to stay home (with Pop-pop) this year and give out the his Super Riley cape (of course!).  He never was a big trick-or-treater.  He was always ready to go home by the time we reached "the corner house". 

And this year Aidan wanted to trick-or-treat with his friends.  At a mere 9 years old I was just not ready for this!  So we let him and his friend head off down the street together...with one Pop and one Dad not too far behind, but just out of sight of them! 

Charlotte and Uncle Tim decided to join us for trick-or-treating.  Most of the houses on their street have a few steps up to the front door, which would have been difficult for Charlotte to navigate. 

So off we went...
 a witch,
a butterfly,
a cupcake!

Maura liked being the leader this year.  Every other year she was the one with the shortest legs, therefore she walked to slowest.  She could never keep up with her brothers.  This year we had to keep reminding her to wait up for the two "first timers".

All of my pictures seem to be taken from behind! 
I could never catch up with them as they darted
to the next house for more sugary treats!
Audra caught on really the 3rd house she was trying to take ALL of the candy, instead of just one piece.  And, of course, everyone indulged her and let her take as more than her fair share!  But really....there was no way to resist her cute little cupcake face!

Charlotte's legs were definitely getting tired about halfway through.  But there was no way she was giving up!  We kept asking her if she need a break and she would say "No, more trick or treat"!

Once home, the girls immediately started digging into their treats.  Sure it was a school night, and just about their bedtime...but it was also another "first"...something to be celebrated!

Tomorrow is a big day for Audra.  She is having her intestinal malrotation surgery.  We are supposed to arrive at the hospital at 8:00am and her surgery is scheduled for 10:00am.  Please send sweet thoughts her way tomorrow morning. 

Please pray specifically for:
an uncomplicated surgery,
no intestinal damage as a result of her living with this malrotation for 6 years,
comfort and good pain control as her body heals,
and relief of hunger as she must wait a few days after surgery to eat again.

I am hopeful that this the beginning of an ending for Audra...

the end of fevers,
the end of belly pain,
the end of diarrhea,
the end of malabsorption,
the end of failure to thrive.

One last picture of my!

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