Chinese proverb

"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstances. The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break."
(ancient Chinese proverb)

Sunday, December 29, 2013

December medical update & 2013 wrap-up

December was full of many appointments for Audra.

She knows the route to Children's Hospital, and she knows the routine:
~fill the backpack with snacks, her panda Ipod, and of!  She's had that little stuffed animal since her first ER visit, and it's been with her through many, many appointments, tests, OR's and days & days in the hospital. 

Here's my quick re-cap:

~they are still trying to determine the reason/cause and type of Audra's hearing loss
~she is living up to her title of "challenging case" in this department too!
~her hearing aids have been ordered and I will take her for her 1st fitting this week :)
~ENT wanted her to have a CT scan of ears to look more closely at the bones
~this was done the day after Christmas and I hope to have results (and a plan!) this week
~...and he's not planning to repair her ruptured ear drum during the winter season

~Audra had a follow up appointment for the malrotation surgery she had done on November 4th
~the surgeon was pleased that she had gained 1 pound since the surgery...Yay!
~we said our goodbyes...hoping to never meet again :)

~they remain cautiously concerned that Audra may have some type of immunodeficiency
~more fancy (and very expensive!) bloodwork was sent a few weeks ago
~I am hoping the results are in this week, fingers crossed!
~this could be the key to 'figuring her out'
~...and help us figure out how to get her growing and keep her healthy!

~because Audra has had 2 episodes of pyelonephritis she got to add Urology to her list of doctor friends...(or not-so-friends)
~she had a test called VCUG done to determine if she has kidney reflux...which, of course, she does
~she will remain on the preventative antibiotics long term, and will need surgery to correct this if she hasn't "outgrown" it 6 months from now (Audra...outgrow?!  she doesn't like to grow...and surely she won't outgrow!)
~however, if Immunology determines that she does have some type of immune system dysfunction, then the urologist wants to do the surgery soon.  It would be took risky to chance her getting another pyelonephritis with an immune system that doesn't work would probably land her in the hospital again, and cause further kidney scarring

That's all for now, and that's enough!

2013 has been quite a year for Audra and our family. 
Her life has changed dramatically and permanently.  As has our entire family's. 
But 2013 has also been better that we could have ever dreamed:

Audra is HOME!
She is happy and full of smiles, hugs, and love.
She has a laugh that is contagious,
and even a bit of a naughty little side,
which makes our hearts happy that she is comfortable in our family now.
She is strong and tolerant and resilient.
She is beautiful,
and she is ours...
...just as we are HERS!

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