Chinese proverb

"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstances. The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break."
(ancient Chinese proverb)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Back to School

Audra went back to school last week...
another year of Pre-K for her.

On Monday morning, I got her dressed for school,
packed her lunch,
and helped her carry her gigantic backpack outside to wait for the bus.

We waited and waited...

...but no bus.  So, finally I called the school district's transportation department.

Turns out Wednesday was the first day of school, NOT Monday!

I'm usually pretty organized and good with schedules.
But I guess we all slip up every once and a while :)

So, inside we went to enjoy another two days of summer.

Wednesday morning we did it all again...
I got Audra dressed for school (in the same pretty polka dot dress!),
packed her lunch,
and helped her carry her gigantic backpack outside to wait for the bus.

This time her bus DID come!
When her "bus" (which is really a mini-van) arrived at our house,
she let me buckle her in and kiss her good-bye.
She didn't cry or get upset.

Today was the first day of school for the other three...

Riley's first day of his last year of middle school (8th grade)

Aidan's first day of his last year of elementary school (5th grade)

Maura's first day of 1st grade
and her first time riding the bus to school!
This is also the very first time I have had two kids go to the same school!

It was a busy morning getting all the kids up and out the door to school on time.
Riley's bus comes to the house at 7:25
Aidan and Maura get picked up at the bus stop at 8:05
and Audra's bus comes to the house at 8:15

Now the house is silent and still.
This might be nice for a day or two...a week max!
But I think I'll get bored and lonely quick...
I've never had all the kids at school for a full day!

I'm off to get some cleaning and organizing done.
And maybe start a little packing because....

Only 18 days until our trip to Disney World to celebrate Audra's 7th birthday!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by! I'm noticing that you are local to me. Forgive me but do I know you in person?! :) My adoption peeps have grown quite numerous and I fear that I'm losing track daily of who I know and how :)
