Chinese proverb

"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstances. The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break."
(ancient Chinese proverb)

Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 wrap-up

I like to do an end of the year..."year-in-review"...kind of post.  But I think our Christmas card this year summed it up.  So I'll share that here!

Our Christmas card picture:

...and the letter that was included:

2015…The year of change

Our little family has seen some big changes during 2015.  The biggest and most significant being our move to a new house.  It was bittersweet to leave the only “home” that all of our children have ever known…the house that welcomed three of our children home from hospital and one child home from the other side of the world.  However, we were slowly but surely outgrowing the space that house that to offer, and as we began to look toward the future we knew we needed a different plan.  So we moved our “home” (because home is wherever your family is) just one mile away…to a house on a quiet cul-de-sac that has more space for our family and most importantly…allows our kids to remain in the same schools with the same friends.  We’ve been here for 5 months now and still have a lot of settling in to do!  Getting a house with a bit more space meant a trade off for finishing touches J   We are busy with remodeling and updating, but it’s worth it.  For now we are home, where our family is. 

Riley is 14 years old and his biggest change of the year (because for him any change is a big deal!) was starting high school. He is in 9th grade and his transition from middle school to high school has been fabulous! He does very well in school and doesn’t complain about going…he only complains about homework. Going to high school meant he had to say good-bye to the amazing 1:1 aide who he has had since kindergarten.  Very hard, but he handled it well (better than mom at least). Other big changes for him include: outgrowing his favorite clothes (yes, he is technically taller than me now), trying mom’s baked chicken and actually liking it. Have I mentioned he’s not a fan of change?!
Riley’s favorite part of the new house:  his own bedroom with a gaming computer (thanks to Uncle Tim for the hand me down!)

Aidan is 11 years old and his biggest change of the year was getting his hair cut. Now this may not seem like a big change to most people but when you haven’t had your hair cut more than a tiny trim in all 11 years of your life…it is a big deal! The transformation was astounding. His hair was probably the longest it has ever been (past his shoulders!) when he decided one day in June to cut his hair. And I mean CUT it…buzzed sides with a little bit of spiked stuff on top. I could barely watch and I cried like it was my baby’s first haircut. (oh, wait…it was!)  It literally took me a few weeks to recognize him.  Besides a new ‘do Aidan’s other big change of the year was starting middle school.  He really enjoys school…let me rephrase that…he really enjoys going to school to socialize with his friends!
Aidan’s favorite part of the new house:  the mini hockey rink dad is building for him in the basement

Audra is 8 years old and her biggest change of the year was staying HEALTHY! After being diagnosed with an immunodeficiency last December she started receiving weekly immunoglobulin replacement infusions. This has meant only ONE hospital admission for illness in all of 2015, which is a huge improvement from 2014 and 2013.  She did have a second admission but that was a planned admission for testing so I don’t count that one :)  Her other big change was starting Kindergarten…which turned out to be a more difficult change for mommy than for her…made better only by the fact that Riley’s former 1:1 aide (remember, the one who went to school with him every day for 9 years!) is now Audra’s 1:1.  A blessing and an answered prayer!  Hope she doesn’t mind repeating kindergarten 9 years later J
Audra’s favorite part of the new house:  wherever her siblings are!  REALLY.  She loves to be right next to each of them, doing whatever they are doing.  Oh, and the kitchen, cause hey, that’s where the food is.

Maura is 7 {almost 8} years old and she really didn’t have a big change of her own this year.  She has been our consistent little one, keeping us grounded.  She still loves dance class, playing with her friends and cuddling up with a blanket and popcorn to watch a movie.  She is in second grade and is the only kiddo who didn’t go to a new school this year.  She did get her haircut quite a few inches but when you compare that to her big brothers haircut it doesn’t seem like such a big deal.  (How often can one say that?!)
Maura’s favorite part of the new house:  her big ‘ole playroom with a fancy chandelier (others might use this room as a formal dining room)…pink walls and fluffy white rug coming soon!

We hope 2015 was a year full of positive change for you and your family as well.
Wishing you a 2016 filled with happiness and health.
Sean, Shannon, Riley, Aidan, Maura and Audra

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